Happy Mother’s Day – Triplet who had Triplets and then Quadruplets!

(DOUG JESSOP’S JESSOP’S JOURNAL – ABC4 NEWS – SALT LAKE CITY, UT) Happy Mother’s Day. In this episode of Jessop’s Journal I had the pleasure to interview a woman that has Mother written all over her.

Kayla Glines is a triplet. What makes her different is that she had triplets. But then she had quadruplets!

Kayla has an incredible attitude. She came to our interview wearing a shirt with the phrase “Good Vibes” on it. Her enthusiasm and smile are quite contagious.

I don’t want to give away everything in the interview (yes – I want you to WATCH AND SHARE). I will say that there is a show on TV called “This is Us” that has some very interesting parallels.

Come to find out that Kayla and her husband had been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for ten years. They did fertility treatments and hit the jackpot with triplets. On an incredible sidenote, the next pregnancy did NOT use any fertility treatments…and she had quadruplets. Yes…one pregnancy and four kids.

If anyone from Huggies is watching this story, hint, hint, Kayla buys two large boxes of diapers from Costco every week. The boxes have 150 diapers in them. Math is not my strong suit, but that is a lot of diapers to go through in one week!

As you can imagine, getting a picture together with all of their kids is pretty much like herding cats. But I will say, they turned out pretty cute.

What gives her joy? Seeing the look of her children on Christmas morning! What keeps her up at night? Worrying about her $4.5 Million dollar baby (watch the story for details).

To all the Mother’s out there, thank you for what you do.

Consider this your personal invitation to watch this entire episode of Jessop’s Journal and share it with a Mother you knw.

Everyone has a story. I strongly feel that “stories have power”. Chances are that if you are going through something, that someone else probably has as well. The shared experiences we humans have can help each other. That my friend makes the point that stories “help us understand each other.”

You don’t have to agree with everyone, but in my opinion, if people would take more time getting to knowing more about others and where they are coming from, we just might find out that we have more similarities than differences.

Please consider following me at www.DougJessop.com, www.YouTube.com/dougjessop , www.Facebook.com/dougjessopnews, www.Instagram.com/dougjessopnews and www.Twitter.com/dougjessopnews

Jessop’s Journal is something special when it comes to broadcast news. I have the honor of being able to do longer in-depth interviews that you don’t normally see with people from all walks of life. A big shout out goes to my collaborator, Ed Wilets, who does a great job as my videographer/editor for all my stories. Your feedback is always welcome at DJessop@abc4.com

You can also see my positive business profiles called “Utah Success Stories” every Sunday in the ABC4 News at 10 p.m. or online at www.ABC4.com/Success

With another entry into Jessop’ Journal, I’m Doug Jessop, ABC4 News.