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NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO) — A look along the Bonnet Carre Spillway revealed an eerie piece of New Orleans history to Rick Erbach.

Erbach, who serves as WGNO’s News Director, spends his free time snapping pictures of nature’s greatest treasures and sometimes, nature’s ghostly secrets.

The most recent example: a vintage porcelain doll containing pieces of the past–particularly those of treasured New Orleans doll maker Charles Vincent (C.V.) Gambina.

While one glance at the doll is enough to suggest a potentially haunted past, a closer look reveals the doll is Gambina “Florodora” doll #712.

Gambina started his doll designs in the 1970s, later expanding to what would become the largest line in the nation with 80 models. All dolls are then signed and numbered to mark their uniqueness.

“Florodora” is handmade, made of porcelain, and believed to have been crafted sometime around 1983.

How “Florodora” ended up in the Spillway remains a mystery.

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