Caught on camera: Uber driver harassed over mask policy in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — An Uber driver with close to 6,000 rides under his belt and an excellent rating with the ride-sharing company is now thinking about never picking up another passenger. 

Video of a recent altercation that happened after he picked up three passengers in San Francisco has gone viral.

“Yeah it was something I could have never imagined,” said the driver, who does not want his identity revealed.

He said the incident happened Sunday afternoon after he picked up three women in San Francisco’s Bayview District.  After they got in the car, things started going wrong when the subject of wearing a mask came up.

“The moment I asked for the mask, they asked me if I have a spare one. To which I replied, ‘I don’t have it,’ and then the lady on the video who pulled the mask on, tried to snatch my phone. She started all this. She started cursing me for not having a mask,” he said. 

In the video, you see that same passenger coughing near his face.

“It was all happening so fast. I just wanted to get over with it,” the driver said. 

He says the tumultuous ride lasted around 10 minutes. 

Before the women got out of his car, they sprayed something in his vehicle.

“One lady in red pepper-sprayed probably for 3 or 4 seconds,” he said. “Yeah that was definitely pepper spray. I know! Then I realized, ‘This is too much. I need to contact police.’”

San Francisco police confirmed receiving the report and said their robbery division is investigating the incident. KRON has asked Uber for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

The incident has caused the driver to have second thoughts about continuing his relationship with the ride-sharing service.

“I’m not really sure with continuing with Uber or doing another job or anything like that,” he said.

Shortly after the incident, Lyft tweeted that they would be permanently banning the rider who refused to wear her mask.

“Although this incident did not involve the Lyft platform, the unacceptable treatment of the driver in this video compelled us to permanently remove the rider from the Lyft community. Driving in a pandemic is not easy. Please wear a mask, respect one another, and be a good person,” the ride-hailing service said.