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NEW ORLEANS–The music documentary ‘Up From the Streets’ premiered back in the fall to critical acclaim and awards from a number of film festivals. Now it’s being made available for all of us in over 100 virtual theaters coast to coast.

We got a chance to talk to both the filmmaker Michael Murphy and composer Terence Blanchard who doubles as Executive Producer and host of the film.

LBJ: Mike if you had to say what you were trying to do in Up From the Street, what would that be?

Michael Murphy: With this film, I took a different approach number 1, I wanted it to cover 3oo years of the culture of this city through the lens of music, but I wanted to make it more than just a music documentary. This time I really wanted to address how music and the power of music can be used and was used to to counter effects of racism and bigotry and Jim Crow and the struggles in Civil Rights.”

LBJ: What was it like to tell the story Terence?

Terence Blanchard: “I felt very proud just to be a part of the project because growing up in this town, I’ve understood how much this music has meant to the world since the time I was a little kid. But I’ve never seen any project encapsulate how powerful it has been.”

LBJ: Michael, tell us how the ability for us to see it now is really special because it’s actually helping some of these same musicians you were talking about earlier?

Michael Murphy: “Look, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation. I filmed for 25 years if you could make some of the proceeds going to the foundation that they can use to replenish money to give to the grants of of this amazing city, I think that would be an incredible way of acknowledging the film, but also the music and the city of New Orleans.”

‘Up From the Streets’ premieres in virtual theaters tomorrow, with a portion of the proceeds going to the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation’s Music Relief Fund. To view the film in the comfort of your home click here.