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Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the University of Holy Cross will hold its official commencement ceremony online this Sunday, May 17 at noon via the university’s official YouTube Channel ( The virtual commencement will be the first in the university’s 104-year history.

The 45-minute commencement ceremony will honor the graduates in UHC’s class of 2020 with specially recorded videos from those in the class and University of Holy Cross faculty, staff and administrators. To prepare for the ceremony, UHC officials collected 34 videos and spent more than one week editing the ceremony together.

The ceremony will feature special messages from UHC President McNeely and UHC Board Chair Tabony and a blessing of the graduates by Sister Ann Lacour, Congregational Leader of the Marianites of Holy Cross.

“All of the staff, faculty and students at the University of Holy Cross would like to congratulate the graduates in our Class of 2020 with a special online ceremony,” UHC President McNeely. “While it won’t be a normal commencement ceremony due to the ongoing COVID crisis, we’re excited to celebrate these graduates as they prepare to journey out into the community and continue the university’s mission of touching hearts and minds. We look forward to having an in-person Commencement Ceremony when it is again safe to have large gatherings.”

A fully accredited Catholic university in New Orleans, the University of Holy Cross offers more than 65 majors and programs to more than 1,300 students.