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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Just because you’re not celebrating something special at the dinner table doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a delicious bottle of sparkling wine.

Our friends at Brady’s Wine Warehouse on Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard have teamed up with News with a Twist to bring you some great tips on wine for our Uncorked series.

Brady’s General Manager and Wine Buyer Richard Ellis says sparkling wine pairs beautifully with food.

“It’s often the No. 1 thing a (sommelier) would go to,” Ellis says. “The problem is that the table would say, ‘I’m not celebrating anything. What else do you have?'”

Obviously, you have other options, but not giving sparkling wine a fair chance at your table is unfortunate, Ellis says.

“As a community we wish people would get out of their own way,” he says.

One little known fact, according to Ellis, is that you can in fact decant an exceptional bottle of champagne. He wouldn’t recommend decanting a house prosecco or a cavas, but when you start venturing out into vintage champagne bottles, decanting is an appropriate measure.

“The wine will smell and drink better, and you’ll still have enough bead left over to enjoy the sparkle,” Ellis says.

If you have any questions about wine, stop by Brady’s Wine Warehouse, check out the Brady’s Wine Warehouse Facebook page or send an email to