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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – It’s that time of year: holiday parties, work gatherings, and no shortage of red wine to tempt your taste buds.

But what about the dreaded headache that often follows?

Richard Ellis with Brady’s Wine Warehouse on Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard explains that despite popular belief, red wine headaches aren’t related to sulfites. Sulfites, he says, are more prevalent in white wines.

“If you had a reaction to sulfites, you’d also have a reaction to french fries or dried fruits,” Ellis says.

When it comes to red wine, there are typically two types of headaches. The first is a headache that comes 15-30 minutes after you start drinking red wine, while the second is the one you feel the next morning.

If you get the immediate headache, Ellis says you likely have an allergy to tannins. Try an antihistamine or an aspirin to counter that allergy.

If you get the morning-after headache, then there’s a good chance you just drank too much.

Do you have any other questions about wine? The folks at Brady’s Wine Warehouse are happy to help. Stop by their store, visit their Facebook page, or send them an email at