Two brave WGNO women soar to new heights for Special Olympics

NEW ORLEANS, La. –  Two brave WGNO broadcasters went from reporting to rappelling Thursday, accepting the challenge of going “Over the Edge” of Benson Tower to scale 25 stories down in the name of charity.

For $1,000, you can do it too! There will be more daring souls taking this challenge on Friday, and there were still two spots left on Thursday afternoon.

News with a Twist’s Travel Girl, Stephanie Oswald, and Good Morning New Orleans Anchor, Kinsey Schofield, raised more than $2,000 for Special Olympics Louisiana.

After getting harnessed up and practicing, Stephanie and Kinsey said some prayers, and then went over the edge to enjoy an unparalleled adrenaline rush and a bird’s-eye view of the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

This was the 10th year thrill-seekers were invited to step over the edge of Benson Tower,  and Special Olympics Louisiana is on track to raise more than $100,000; organizers say it’s the most ever achieved by the rappelling event.

The minimum donation is $1,000 per participant, and the WGNO women are thankful to all their sponsors, including friends, family and co-workers.

“We have 15,000 athletes in the state of Louisiana and we are just growing tremendously so this event funds a lot of our athletes to do their year-round competitions and programming events,” says Ashlyn Hemingway, the Corporate Relations Manager for Special Olympics Louisiana.

Stephanie and Kinsey are also very thankful to the wonderful stranger who took photos of them on their way down the building, (from inside Benson Tower!) and then texted the images to them.

There are still two spots left if you’re ready to check this off your bucket list! To sign up, or for more information, go to the Special Olympics Louisiana website:  www.laso.org.