Truck crashes through Arkansas home, pins 6-year-old girl to wall

OSCEOLA, Ark. – An Arkansas man is facing charges after a truck crashed through a family’s home while they were sleeping inside.

Cary Enmon was in bed Friday night when a Chevrolet pickup truck crashed into his home. Enmon was severely injured in the crash.

“I hurt all over. I think they might have said 100 staples in my head,” Enmon said.

Enmon wasn’t the only one hurt, though.

That night, his 6-year-old daughter, Faith, said she wasn’t feeling well and asked her dad to lay down with her.

“I went and laid in bed with her. I fell asleep,” he said. “All I remember is waking up, being under the truck, looking over at her being pinned up between the tire and the wall.”

Enmon said he faded in and out of consciousness. His wife and other daughter were sleeping just feet away.

“We heard it all. The smell of the truck and everything,” Enmon’s wife, Patches Enmon said. “And my little girl was pinned between the front of his truck and the bedroom wall.”

Patches said she saw Dylan Bryearns behind the wheel of the truck lodged in her home.

“I beat on his truck. I begged him to help me get her out, and he said a few ugly words to me and took off running,” she said.

Doctors have Faith under close surveillance.

“She was just diagnosed this morning with (spinal) meningitis,” Patches said.

Faith’s eyes are crossed following the crash, and she has lost hearing in one ear. She is able to recognize people and can talk, but she will have a lot of healing to do.

The Mississippi County Sheriff said Bryeans was found walking through a nearby community several hours after the crash. He was charged with failure to maintain control of his vehicle and two counts of leaving the scene of an accident.

Bryeans has not been able to be reached for comment.

The Enmon family said they are now trying to figure out where they are going to stay; a blue tarp currently covers the hole in their home.