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A viral pandemic has a stronghold on the world, and getting your immune system boosted is critical. The American Heart Association has released three easy tips anyone can do at home to help the body fight off COVID-19.

Dr. Kevin Stephens, Chief Medical Officer for United Healthcare says to start off with, time your meals. “Time your meal. Say, I’m going to eat at 7 o’clock, I’m going to eat at noon, and I’m going to eat at 6 o’clock. Then you set your meals,” he says. “Not only do you set your meals, and set a time but what you’re going to eat. Now that we’re all at home, you have the luxury. You have the time to plan your meal.”

Dr. Stephens suggests buying colorful healthy food, like fruits and vegetables, to help get the brain’s attention. Going for the healthy options rather than the brown paper bag of leftover chips.

Keeping your sleep on a schedule is just as important as what your putting into your body. Dr. Stephens recommends eight to ten hours of sleep every night.

“That will help you so much with your immune system because that your body’s chance to rejuvenate and to regenerate itself for the next day,” he says.

The gyms are closed, but getting some light exercise around the house can help boost the immune system.

“Instead of sitting down all the time, stand up. You can stand up and do your computer work. You can walk around. If you’re talking on the phone, stand up and walk around. Don’t just sit at your desk and stay stationary. Those little activities add up, especially if you’re consistently doing them, not just randomly,” Dr. Stephens says.

Opening up the lungs, and strengthening the heart are key to keeping your body healthy enough to fight off the virus.