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NEW ORLEANS– Although excited about graduating from Tulane University, the struggle is real for graduates like McKenna Price-Patak who graduated today. Now she must find a job!

“I think it is hard because a lot of people’s headquarters aren’t here so for entry-level jobs you have to go where most of the hiring is,” McKenna Price said.

McKenna double majored in Environmental Science and International Relations and says she’d love to stay in New Orleans but the jobs she wants just aren’t here.

“It doesn’t really feel like a growing market. You’re competing for a set number of jobs,” she said.

According to—a career website, New Orleans is ranked in the Top 10 as one of the worst cities to start a career in. That’s based on the median salary of $41,000 and average rent of $1,000 a month. On top of that the pandemic has played a role because now 2021 graduates are competing with graduates from past years and those left un-employed.

“It is definitely hard you because you have to be persistent. You can’t take it personally because it is very easy to let it get you down,” she said.

Grant Cooper with Strategic Resumes and Business Plans helps advise graduates.

“There’s something called polite persistence. Companies don’t always hire the most qualified it is the one person that kind of bugged them and got back to them and ask if they got their resume,” Cooper said.

Cooper went on to say, “It is estimated that college graduates will go through 10 jobs in their career.”

As for McKenna—what’s she going to do now?

“Go to grad school to be more competitive,” she said.

Strategic Resumes and Business Plans offers free advice to job seekers. For more information, click HERE.

Job advisors say that the best job right now in New Orleans for graduates is in the health care industry.