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NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO)- Telehealth is becoming the new normal. Some might be a little hesitant about trying a virtual visit but, it’s an easy way to connect from a safe distance. All you need is a smart phone, iPad, or computer to connect to a doctor within second and most offer services 24/7.

Some New Orleans doctors are urging patients not to flood the emergency room unless they’re condition is serious. Some patients are too worried that if they go to an ER, they’ll catch coronavirus, so they skip getting medical help all together.

These reason factor into why virtual doctors visits are booming now.

“Telehealth is more important than ever for the fragile elderly. As it is for patients with chronic conditions. I think a lot of people have put off getting health care during this crisis,” said Dr. Karen Edison, MD with the Senior Medical Director, Missouri Telehealth Network.

Therapy and counseling, prescription refills, skin conditions, sore throat, cough or cold are all reasons to use telemedicine.

While some might be worried or hesitant about virtual visits, Dr. Edison says it’s been around for longer than we realize.

With our stay-at-home order extended through mid-may, now is the time to check with your doctor to see if they offer tele-health services.

“Ask them, what kind of telemedicine are you offering to your patients,” urged Dr. Edison.

Before your next virtual visit, be prepared. Have a good lighting source. Be sure you are filling the screen. Have some questions on hand along with your medications.

“I also would suggest people try out the telemedicine platform ahead of time if they can. Particularly if they’re not comfortable with it already,” shared Dr. Edison.

If your doctor is using a new platform, be sure to ask if the network is safe and secure before giving out too much information.

“We really need to encourage our parents and grandparent to get the care that they need and help them use telemedicine where it’s appropriate,” said Dr. Edison.