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CHICAGO — Jordan Reeves is only 13, and she’s already changing how people perceive disabilities with her fantastically magical prosthetic.

Born with just one arm, Reeves says she learned early to use a creative mindset to overcome other’s misconceptions.

“I wanted to show people that our differences don’t necessarily hold us back, in fact, they can give us more opportunity,” she told WGN.

For months, Reeves brainstormed how to turn her prosthetic arm into something wondrous.

“I have always been a fan of glitter and unicorns, so I thought: what if I could make this thing magical?”

Today this 13-year-old is the brainchild behind the first-ever glitter cannon prosthetic, capable of shooting a stream of sparkles six feet into the air.

“Kids think it is pretty cool!” Reeves said.

It took over a year of prototypes until Jordan landed on the final 3D-printed design She calls, “Project Unicorn.”

Her creation is Jordan’s is now behind glass as part of the Musuem of Science and Industry’s new ‘Wired to Wear’ exhibit on wearable technology.

“We wanted people like Jordan in the exhibit because she is very creative and really pushing forward the idea of how we can wear technology in the future,” said MSI Head Curator Kathleen McCarthy.

As for Jordan, she still gets plenty of stares. But this time, in envy.

“I love that I can show people that our differences aren’t a bad thing… just look at how much fun it can be” Reeves said.

Jordan’s creation will be on display at the Musuem of Science and Industry’s Wired to Wear exhibit through May of 2020. The teen hopes to expand the reach of her work through the nonprofit she co-founded as well.