Sweet Revenge. One cookie from Haydel’s Bakery says how Saints fans feel

NEW ORLEANS – It was the call that changed the game and changed the New Orleans Saints plan to go the Super Bowl.

It’s the call or lack of the call for pass interference.

It happened in the fourth quarter.

A flag then would have changed the game.

What can anybody do now?

Well, Haydel’s Bakery has at least one idea.

It’s a recipe for sweet revenge.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is at Haydel’s Bakery with what these culinary geniuses in the kitchen have  come up with.

It’s a cookie.

It’s a way to take a moment.

It’s a way to seize the moment.

And all you have to do is take a bite.

Unless you want to take home a dozen and make a meal out of it.