Sunday funday, Zulu style!

NEW ORLEANS– Zulu brings Sunday Funday to a whole new level. They started Sunday off with the queen’s return to New Orleans at MSY, and ended it with a formal affair for both the king and the queen to be honored.

Queen Troye Washington, and 61 close friends spent the weekend in Miami.

“We painted the town black and gold, everyone knows who the Zulu queen is now,” said Washington.

Around 5 pm, the club members gathered downtown dressed to the nines to celebrate both the king and the queen in style.

“Zulu style is the best, we are doing it big for the tricentennial this year,” said club member Dennis Robertson.

This year the theme will be in line with New Orleans 300th birthday, and leading up to Fat Tuesday Zulu will be celebrating with events every weekend.

The next event is the king’s flag raising ceremony next weekend.