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NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO)- A disheartening scene, dozens of pieces of valuable equipment–gone.

“Well the first thought it, ‘Why and who?’ would be so blazing and so disrespectful of this institution and the kids in the community,” questioned Douglas Evans, CEO and President of the Dryades YMCA.

Taken in the middle of the night, officials say the break-in at James Singleton Charter School’s library led to the discovery that more than $116,000 worth of marching band instruments had been stolen.
When staff arrived to the building they noticed that someone had gained access to the building by kicking in a side window.

“Very, very disheartening. At the end of the day, those who that participate in these activities don’t care about the destruction and the hurt and pain they cause,” said Evans.

This isn’t the first time the school has had a break-in. In fact, this is the fourth in two months.

“Most of all it hurts the kids and their ability to stay positive,” worried Evans.

The suspects took a wide range of instruments, totaling 56 total taken. From keyboards, guitars, all of the brass instruments.

“This level, in all my 50 years, I’ve never confronted anything like this.”

School officials filed a report with NOPD but, the school officials were told there isn’t much hope that the instruments will be recovered.
So, Evans is asking for the communities help in more than one way. The first, to help with catching whoever broke in. The second, with donations to help replace the items stolen.