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EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Rebecca McDonough flew into El Paso from Chicago on Wednesday night. Her mission? To meet her siblings for the first time.

McDonough is just one of seven children originally born in Dayton, Ohio. McDonough’s mother put all of the children, except for the youngest, up for adoption.

KTSM 9 News was there when McDonough “reunited” with her brother, Terry Brewster, who lives in El Paso, and their youngest sister, Sherry, at the El Paso International Airport.

“It feels like, at one point in my life, it would never happen, so it feels like an incredible gift,” McDonough said.

She was able to find her siblings through Facebook, and with help from Sherry.

McDonough will be celebrating her 59th birthday in El Paso on Sunday, and said this will the best one yet.

Brewster offered a parting bit of optimistic advice for others who are searching for their birth family.

“If you can’t find your siblings, don’t give up,” he said. “You know there’s always hope to find them, and one day you will.”