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(MYSTERY WIRE) — UFOs are front and center for national and international media organizations this week. Network newscasts and prominent newspapers have reacted to the stories and images released last week by Nexstar’s Mystery Wire.

Among those who’ve been asked to comment are the two top members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, both gave interviews to Mystery Wire this week.


In March 2019, the crew of a Navy F/A-18, flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana off the coast of Virginia into the restricted air space called W-72 encountered three unknown objects, one right after another, directly in their flight path.

The weapons system officer used an iPhone to snap a photo of an object, dubbed the Sphere. Then minutes later, an object now nicknamed the Acorn showed up followed minutes later by a third object, which was labeled the Metallic Blimp.

The Sphere
The Sphere
The Acorn
The Metallic Blimp

The unclassified photos were forwarded to Pentagon investigators working for what is now known as the UAP Task Force, a congressionally-designated program created to find out if the aerial intruders might be foreign drones, balloons, or something that cannot be explained.

Two years later, after examining the photos, along with sensor data that has not been made public, the UAP Task Force still considers the objects to be “unknowns”.  (The Pentagon later confirmed the 2019 photos were taken by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 crew off the coast of Virginia. )

After the three photographs were reported by Mystery Wire, other more exotic images surfaced, courtesy of filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.  Corbell unveiled a startling video of unknown objects described as “flying pyramids.” The video was recorded through an infrared device from the deck of a Navy warship in July 2019. (A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that the video was recorded by Navy personnel.) 

This week, Corbell’s images and Mystery Wire’s visuals have been published around the world, making international headlines and appearing in network newscasts.

The images are part of a briefing presentation prepared by the UAP Task Force and delivered to higher-ups in the military, intelligence fields, and to members of Congress in closed door briefings.


This week, national TV news networks and newspapers have plastered the images on front pages and on nightly newscasts all over the world.

Today on NBC
Sunrise on 7 – Australia
CityNews Toronto


Many months earlier, though, these and other images were presented in closed door briefings to Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, which created the UAP Task Force.

Intelligence Committee Chairman Senator Mark Warner declined to confirm to Mystery Wire whether he has seen the pyramid video or the Oceana photos, but did say the ongoing investigation is a serious matter involving national security.

When asked about the images, Sen. Warner dodged the specifics but acknowledged the seriousness of the topic.

“One of the things that has changed, and I (have) received classified briefing on this, so I can only give you the top line is that the military has seen enough things where they’re actually now encouraging pilots to report,” Sen. Warner said. “You know, if there are objects flying over military installations that could pose a security threat.”

Pictures and video show Unidentified Flying Objects moving above U.S. Navy warships 

Sen. Warner added, “If there’s something out there, let’s seek it out. It probably is a foreign power. But I think, you know, the past approach that the military had, which was the pilot saw something to kind of say, whatever you do, don’t record, it’s gonna look bad on your record. And now say, no, if you’re seeing things and if we’ve now seen there’s actual visual recorded evidence, we gotta sort this out.”

Mystery Wire also interviewed the ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee, Senator Marco Rubio.

Sen. Rubio was a bit more forthright about the unknown aerial intruders.

“The bottom line is that we’ve had now consistent reports of objects flying over military installations and military training areas,” Rubio told Meyer. “And it’s not the U.S. government. And so anytime I see things flying over installations that are not ours, we need to know who they are. We need to know why they’re there. And that’s the way I focus on it. Other people want to speculate about other things that are more exciting. And all that sort of thing. And, you know, I don’t we just don’t know what it is. I think at a very basic level, there are things flying over our military installations, or if there’s things flying over the skies of the United States, and we don’t know what they are, where they came from. We need to have answers to it. And we need to be working on getting an answer to it.”

New photographs obtained by Mystery Wire show different shaped objects 

When asked if he thinks the UAP Task Force will be able to meet a June deadline for submitting its final report, Sen. Rubio expressed some doubt. “I suspect that it won’t be back in time. Because the government consistently misses deadlines on reporting,” Sen. Rubio said. “And because frankly, I’m not sure a lot of work had been done previous to our mandate on a report.”

Sen. Rubio also addressed the hesitancy of government officials to talk about this topic. “It’s one of those things that because of what it implies, (there’s) a stigma associated with it. A lot of times we look the other way, people say well, let’s not talk about that because they’re gonna think you’re weird. I’m not telling you I know what it is. It’s a problem. We don’t know what they are, and we need to know what they are.”