School system employee loses job after screaming racial slurs at man in grocery store

EAST HAVEN, Conn. –  A racist tirade in a Connecticut supermarket Friday night has gone viral on social media – and cost the woman who screamed the slurs her job with Hamden schools.

The woman in the videos told police an African-American man called her a disrespectful name as she walked through the Shop Rite, setting her off.

As the very beginning of the video, now former Hamden Board of Education Secretary Corrine Terrone, said, “Don’t you dare talk to me in front of my kids like that you (expletive).”

“The man, in his little scooter, said ‘are you talking to me, (expletive)?’ And I said ‘no (n-word), I’m not’.”

Terrone claimed in a nearly seven minute 911 call to East Haven police what got the ball rolling was, “I was walking down the center aisle in front of the cash register and I turned around to my daughters and I said “oh, Jesus Christ.’ The man, in his little scooter, said ‘are you talking to me, (expletive)?’ And I said ‘no (n-word), I’m not’.”

Hamden school officials responded rapidly to seeing the videos and Terrone tendered her resignation.

Terrone unloaded for at least a minute on an African-American man, including calling him the N-word multiple times.

Shop Rite said they continue to cooperate with the East Haven police investigation, including sharing store surveillance video.

“Well that is uncalled for,” Sarah Brockamer told WTIC as she went into Shop Rite. “It wasn’t necessary especially what we’ve read in the paper that she has a history of getting along with people.”

Hamden schools, as mandatory reporters, were required to alert the Department of Children and Families because Terrone was with her two young children. DCF is also investigating the incident.

Terrone wouldn’t open the front door to her New Haven home when WTIC knocked. All she said was “get off of my property.”

East Haven police said no one had filed a complaint against Terrone as of Monday afternoon.

Hamden Mayor Curt Balzano Leng, said, “What I saw [on video] was vile and shocking. While I am disgusted and disheartened seeing such hateful behavior, wildly unacceptable anywhere, I am thankful for the swift and effective actions taken by our school system to address this head on and make clear that hate and violence will not be tolerated.”
