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KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A Kansas City school bus taking elementary school students home was caught in a gun battle Thursday afternoon.

Fortunately, none of the students on board were injured.

Kansas City Police Capt. Lionel Colon said the apparent gun battle began around 4:45 p.m. Two other people in separate vehicles were injured by gunfire from the shooting.

The school bus was not involved in the shooting, but a window was shot out. The driver immediately drove the bus to a safe location. Everyone on the bus was safe and secure, KCPS spokesperson Ray Weikal said.

Weikal said the bus was transporting students from Melcher Elementary. All of the children on the bus were transported to another bus and taken home.

One of the cars hit with gunfire in the shooting stopped nearby, Colon said. The second vehicle went to a fire station.

The two injured people were hospitalized. One man had non-life threatening injures and a woman from the other vehicle had serious injuries but is stable.

Colon said investigators do not yet know if the two injured people were involved in the gun battle. Police are investigating the incident and no suspects have been identified yet.