Ready to watch the Citrus Bowl? Wild Bill knows how you should dress for LSU success!

BATON ROUGE –  How do you dress for LSU success? How do you celebrate Louisiana State University by actually wearing your school pride?

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood has the wardrobe for a winner.

The right look comes from the Purple and Gold Shop in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Wild Bill has to ask, “do you have anything here with LSU on it?”

Do they?

Do they have anything that does NOT have LSU on it?

First on Wild Bill’s football fashion runway is an LSU pajama ensemble.

Wild Bill figures if LSU starts to eliminate the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame on the football field at the Citrus Bowl, he can rest easy and even take a nap if the game gets a little sleepy.

Then there’s the cold weather wardrobe.  That includes an LSU scarf and an LSU knitted hat. Wild Bill is ready to weather the cold.

But then he’s reminded by another shopper at the Purple and Gold Shop, the Citrus Bowl is in Florida.

Then it’s a good thing Wild Bill’s cold weather look includes shorts and flip flops on  the bottom half of his body.

And finally, as most LSU fans know,  as most people who are not even fans of LSU know, going to see LSU on the football field is like a religious experience.

So when you dress for LSU success, you have have to look like to you’re attending not just a football game, but attending something on a higher level.

That’s why Wild Bill winds up wearing an LSU suit.  That’s a coat. That’s the pants. And that’s a tie all LSU.

There are boots to wear as well.

But since the Citrus Bowl is in Florida, Wild Bill will stick with the flip flops.