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BATON ROUGE, La. (WVLA) – Protesters gathered around the Governor’s Mansion to say enough is enough of the stay-at-home order. They’ve asked the governor to reopen businesses and let people back outside.

Danny McCormick, a state representative, says it’s time to lift the order.

“I just don’t think you have the right to destroy the economy and bankrupt people,” McCormick says.

McCormick says the virus is no excuse to keep people inside. He says the governor’s orders are only inciting fear in the public. The only way to get things back to normal is to reopen.

“I know there’s going to be spike in cases. Just like when you open the roads there’s going to be more deaths more accidents,” McCormick says. “But we can’t destroy the greatest nation on earth out of fear.”

His ideas were echoed loudly today, as they stood in front the Governor’s Mansion, some protesters argued that their rights had been violated.

Trudy hebert says she doesn’t want the vulnerable to get sick, she just wants to go to church again, and have her son employed.

“If you think you’re vulnerable with an illness or a weakness in your health or your age or whatever you consider, then stay out of the crowds.”

To those that agree with the stay-at-home order and those that don’t, the decision comes down to May 1st.