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METAIRIE, La. — Even though President Trump did not pick 46-year-old Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court, she’s still making headlines across the U.S. and especially in her hometown of Metairie.

The St. Mary’s Dominican High School graduate was recently honored as alumna of the year, a decision local attorney and family friend of the Barrett’s, Sharon Rodi, had a hand in.

“I was one of the people who nominated her to be the alumna of the year this past year, so she was here in April,” says Rodi.

And with news of Barrett’s most recent accomplishment, winning senate confirmation as a federal appeals court judge, Dominican leaders issued a statement reading in part: “…Amy Coney Barrett, as a woman of integrity, exemplifies the profile of a Dominican graduate.”

“She isn’t focused on herself, she’s focused on doing the right thing and being the best mother, wife, lawyer, judge, whatever it is that she can be and she’s a beautiful young woman,” says Rodi.

Barrett is the oldest of seven children and has seven children herself. She adopted three children from Haiti and has a child with special needs. She’s considered a “superstar” among the religious right. Many curious to learn if she would overturn the supreme court decision Roe v. Wade if given the opportunity.

“I don’t have any comments on that. I think it’s premature to talk about that. President Trump has said he was going to choose a conservative justice,” says Rodi.

The president’s pick, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, will likely influence our nation for decades if confirmed.