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WASHINGTON – Following a hostile election, one waitress in Washington, D.C. received a $450 tip with a note promoting unity from a Donald Trump supporter who attended his inauguration.

On Monday, Rosalyn Harris began her shift at Busboys & Poets, WUSA reports. After a while, three men walked into the restaurant.

“I could tell they were from the south because they had their cowboy hats on and I was like, ‘Oh, you’re not from the city,'” she said.

The men, she later learned, were from West Texas and in Washington for the presidential inauguration.

Harris says the restaurant, which also operates as a bookstore, lounge and theater, typically attracts people who are more liberal.

After the men left, she was clearing the table off when she noticed one of the men wrote on the check.

The note read, “We may come from different cultures, and we may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people, not race, not gender, just American. God bless.”

At the bottom of the receipt was a $450 tip on a $70 tab.

“We may have different opinions and disagree on different issues, but the fact that he still looked at me as an equal and someone of value, it said something, like OK, not all hope is lost,” she said.