Old Dominion University police investigate ‘white power’ video

NORFOLK, Va. – Old Dominion University Police are investigating a hateful video circulating online.

A spokesman for the school told News 3 that the school learned of the video Tuesday morning. The video is full of racial slurs, with offensive, vulgar text and a person wearing an ODU sweatshirt singing music with lyrics about “white power.”

The video also shows a person wearing a mask and a t-shirt that says, “My President is White.”

Tuesday afternoon, ODU issued the following statement:

“From the moment students set foot on campus, Old Dominion University fosters a climate of inclusion. We take great pride in the displays of unity and mutual support that take place here every day.

This morning, the University community learned of an extremely offensive video circulating online that features a person wearing an Old Dominion University branded shirt. This is an outrageous act of hate and intolerance and we are sickened by this vile video. There is no place on this campus for hate and divisiveness.

University administrators are taking this matter seriously and University police are investigating. If you have any information that may be helpful to this investigation, please call the ODU Police Department at 757-683-4000.

These types of incidents stand as a stark reminder that we must continue our resolve to educate on the importance of civility and inclusion. It is what we as a Monarch Nation stand for and represent every day.

We understand that hateful words and messages cause harm, and our beloved university community stands together to support each other. Our Counseling Center is open to anyone who needs support and the Office of Intercultural Relations staff are available to all who would like to engage in discussion and in support of one another.

We are a caring and inclusive university community, and united, we strongly denounce the video and stand against hate. Our resolve to build a unified campus community is stronger than ever.”

– John R. Broderick, President and Rachael Edmonds, SGA President

Edmonds told News 3 as a leader on campus she sees a lot of things, but never something to this level.

She also wonders what would trigger such a hateful video.

“This was shocking, I had very few words when I first looked at the video, merely brought me to tears,” she said.

The ODU NAACP tweeted that they would offer a safe space for students to discuss the video Tuesday night.

President of the ODU NAACP, Montae Taylor, said he was not angry when he saw the video.

“I felt bad, you should never have that much hate in your heart ever. You can’t beat anger with anger ever, but responding with love is what always overcomes,” he said. “Even the person that made that video, we love them as well because, you know, they need it obviously.”
