‘MAGA Patriot Party’ files with FEC; Trump team says it’s not affiliated

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (NewsNation Now) — Filings on Monday with the Federal Election Commission showed a push for a new political party, but brought mystery as to who is behind it.

The “MAGA Patriot Party National Committee” filed a statement of organization with the FEC using the former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”

A spokesperson for the former president confirmed to NewsNation that he is not involved.

“We are not supportive of this effort, have nothing to do with it and only know about it through public reporting,” said Trump spokesperson Jason Miller.

The Patriot Party’s official address is listed in San Antonio, Texas, but the person named as the custodian of records, treasurer and designated agent — James Davis — listed an address located in Punta Gorda, Florida.

NewsNation attempted to contact Davis, but he didn’t answer calls. NewsNation independently confirmed the filing with the FEC.

Cal Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University, said this is a major threat to the Republican Party.

“This is not good for Republicans,” Jillson said.

Filings like this in the past ended in lost elections and disappointment for Republican presidential hopefuls. He said most notably in the 20th century was former President Theodore Roosevelt.

“And then in 1992, Bill Clinton was elected President of United States when Ross Perot and his reform party… again split the Republican Party and then led to the defeat of George H.W. Bush for reelection. So if you take the two major parties and you split one of them, the other has a clear path to the White House.”

NewsNation spoke to State Rep. Forrest Bennett (D-Oklahoma City) to get the other side.

“Well I guess it was inevitable,” said Bennett.

A Democrat state lawmaker, Bennett said he wasn’t surprised to hear of the filing, but didn’t deny it could be possible for this new party to take off.

“I won’t put money on anything because in 2016 I thought there was no way that Donald Trump would win the White House, and we saw how wrong everyone was there,” he said.

Bennett said he questions how successful a movement can be that is founded upon a person, but said the “MAGA Patriot Party” could actually be a good thing — making way for Republicans and Democrats to get back to civil discourse.

“My hope is that if people who believe more in Donald Trump and more in the ‘MAGA movement’ than they do in the Republican Party, move over there. Then Republicans and Democrats can get back to have those conversations,” Rep. Bennett said.

For now, it’s day one of this newfound committee. In the meantime, Americans and those at the forefront of American politics said they will wait to see where this all leads.

“Yes you can file, anybody can do that, but your success depends on how many people are willing to follow. They have built it, will people come? That’s the question,” Rep. Bennett said.