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WILMINGTON, Del. (NewsNation Now) — President-elect Joe Biden arrived at the nation’s capital Tuesday, one day before he’s officially sworn in as the 46th president of the United States.

Biden and incoming first lady Dr. Jill Biden attended a send-off event in Wilmington, where the president-elect has been coordinating policy plans and appointing roles within his administration during the transition period.

In an emotional farewell, Biden promised that even as he headed to Washington to be sworn in, “I’ll always be a proud son of the state of Delaware.”

Speaking at the National Guard headquarters in Delaware named for his late son, Beau, Biden’s voice became thick with emotion as he told the crowd that “when I die, I’ve got Delaware written on my heart.”

“It’s deeply personal that our next journey to Washington starts here — the place that defines the very best of who we are as Americans,” said Biden.

Biden gave farewell remarks to about 100 people, including numerous Delaware elected officials and members of Biden’s family.

Later in the day, Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will participate in a lighting ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, honoring the lives lost to COVID-19. Americans are invited to join in on the “national moment of unity and remembrance” by lighting a candle at 5:30 p.m. EST, while cities around the U.S. plan to illuminate buildings and ring church bells.

President Donald Trump doesn’t have any appearances scheduled for Tuesday, as of 2 p.m. EST. But, he is expected to issue pardons and commutations on his last full day in office.

Meanwhile, several of Biden’s Cabinet appointees will be vetted by the Senate Tuesday.

Biden’s pick for Treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, met with the Senate Finance Committee at 10 a.m. EST, the same time that a hearing took place for the president-elect’s choice for director of national intelligence, Avril Haines. The Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs panel also interviewed Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s pick for Homeland Security secretary, at that time.

Senate panel hearings for Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken and Retired Army General Lloyd Austin will begin later in the afternoon Tuesday.

Tune into NewsNation on WGN America at 8/7c tonight for a full report.