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MANHATTAN, N.Y. — The first woman to accuse Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment spoke out at a rally and march in Manhattan on Saturday.

Demonstrators gathered for the rally in Washington Square Park around 1 p.m. Activists and local officials joined Lindsey Boylan on stage to demand Cuomo’s impeachment. The demonstrators were expected to march to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s office near City Hall Park after the rally.

Boylan came forward with the allegations against Cuomo on Twitter in December, but it wasn’t until she posted details of the alleged harassment online in February that others began to come forward with their own experiences.

“In December, I spoke truth to power on the harassment and bullying I faced working for Gov. Cuomo and when the governor should have been focused on this pandemic, he was instead focusing on covering up the deaths of 15,000 New Yorkers and smearing me and my reputation.”

To date, seven additional women, many of whom are former or current staffers, have alleged the governor acted inappropriately or sexually harassed them.

New York Attorney General Letitia James tapped an independent law firm to conduct an investigation into the allegations against Cuomo. 

Separately, the Assembly Judiciary Committee launched an impeachment investigation.

The governor has apologized on several occasions in recent weeks, saying he never meant to make anyone uncomfortable, but he refuses to resign. He has asked New Yorkers to wait for the results of the attorney general’s investigation before calling for his removal from office.