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PLATTEVILLE, Colo. (KDVR) — The police department in Platteville, Colorado, has put an officer on administrative leave after a contentious Facebook post, according to Chief Carl Dwyer.

Dwyer announced an investigation has begun after Officer Jason Taft threatened violence in the post.

“If for some reason we lose do we get to be little bitches and beat the hell out of the other party like they did. Because they don’t believe in what we do. In fact in case we actually let Biden win,” the post reads. As of 7:30 p.m. Thursday, it was still publicly visible.

Dwyer called the posts “disgraceful and inappropriate” in an email to KDVR.

In a comment, Taft allegedly said he is ready to leave his job so he can “hurt these people that act like they know what real life is about.”

Dwyer said he learned of the post late Wednesday afternoon and immediately placed Taft on leave.

Taft has been a police officer with the Town of Platteville since Jan. 23, 2018, according to Dwyer.