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LEXINGTON, Ky. – Police departments are showing their support for officers in Lexington, Ky. after a devastating loss.

A Krispy Kreme truck fire earlier this week left no one injured, but the fire did destroy the truck – and more importantly, the doughnuts inside.

The department posted an image of officers mourning the loss of the truck with the caption, “No words.”

The driver of the truck noticed smoke coming from the back and safely escaped, according to WLEX,

The New York Police Department told the Kentucky officers in a tweet, “Hang tight, we are sending backup forthwith, and these guys came prepared. We hope you like sprinkles.”

Here are a few more tweets from police departments who truly understand the gravity of this loss.

Even the doughnut company itself chimed in, promising a doughnut delivery to get them through this “difficult time.”