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Oprah Winfrey joined the growing list of celebrities who are donating money to coronavirus relief efforts.

The media mogul announced on Thursday that she donated $10 million “to help Americans during this pandemic in cities across the country.”

Of her total donation, $1 million will go toward America’s Food Fund to alleviate food insecurity. The rest will be donated to other groups helping Americans during the pandemic.

“I was struck by the work these organizations are doing and while everyone’s priority right now is to stay safer at home, I know there are many of us looking for ways to help,” Winfrey said on Instagram.

“I believe that America’s Food Fund will be a powerful way to make a difference for our neighbors in need.”

Other celebrities — including Rihanna and Dolly Parton — have also donated funds to help food banks, hospitals and schools impacted by the pandemic.

More than 321,000 Americans have tested positive for coronavirus, and at least 9,100 have died, according to CNN’s latest tally of US cases.

The pandemic has also hit the US economy hard, with more jobs lost than gained for the first time in a decade.

Food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens are struggling too keep up with increased demand and are asking for donations.