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(WGNO) – It’s a contentious debate in Ohio, whether or not to legalize recreational marijuana.

And Tuesday’s decision not to, could mean a lot for Louisiana.

“I think this issue is going to come up on the table before the next legislature and future legislatures It also comes down to a party issue, whether you are for it in one party, or against it in another,” says state representative Austin Badon.

Though traditionally a red state, Governor Bobby Jindal signed into law two bills changing marijuana policy.

The first law reduced penalties for possession of the drug, the second, legalized medicinal use.

Badon helped draft the recent legislation.

“You’re not giving a child who is suffering from amnesia a joint cigarette. Medical marijuana comes in oils, flakes,” says Badon.

Badon is unsure about recreational use.

“The jury is still out for me right now. I’ve heard valid arguments on both sides,” says Badon.

Recreational drug advocates note the economic potential.

The say you can tax marijuana cigarettes and restrict the drug as necessary.

Additionally, they believe legalizing marijuana will decrease street level crime.

But opponents think otherwise.

They say legalizing marijuana will increase street level crime, creating a black market for the drug.

Opponents also argue marijuana is a gateway drug for users, increasing the risk of subsequent involvement with illegal, more potent drugs.

But no matter where you stand on the issue, badon says there’s a lot to consider.

“I think it’s an issue that is going to be at the forefront of Louisiana,” says Badon.