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NEW YORK CITY — A mother who stood in line for days to get tickets to ‘Hamilton’ nearly lost her chance to see the show when she realized she was short on cash, but a nearby NYPD officer stepped in and saved the day.

The Irish tourist was in New York for the first time, police said. She ran for help when she realized she was $20 short and met Officer DiCandia from the Times Square Unit, according to WPIX.

“He understood the magnitude of the emergency and pulled a 20 out of his pocket so she didn’t have to throw away her shot,” the NYPD wrote in an Instagram post, referencing a line from the Broadway musical.

Several weeks later, a thank you note arrived at Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office from Ireland.

“We were totally overjoyed and beyond grateful when he opened his wallet and just handed us 20 dollars,” the tourist wrote. “My eldest daughter was crying when she was speaking to him. It was without doubt the best night that would not have been possible without Officer DiCandia’s generosity and kindness.”