North Dakota couple opens up about infertility and their hope of becoming parents

Josh and Jordyn Brown’s love story started in August of 2015. But even before then, they both knew they wanted to be parents.

“We always talked about having kids before we got married,” said Jordyn.

They say they took some time to grow their relationship and enjoy being newlyweds.

“But then on our one year anniversary we decided we were ready for kids now,” she added.

The journey to fulfilling a dream they both had would prove to be difficult. The couple had infertility issues, making having their own child nearly impossible.

After investing time and money into infertility treatments, they decided to take another route.

“We tried and ultimately we were just done with doctor’s appointments. That was obviously a stressful time for us. We needed a change and that led us to eventually choosing adoption,” said Josh.

About three years ago, they started that process by choosing an agency in Minot. After a year of completing paperwork and training, the couple was starting to feel like they were on the road to becoming mom and dad.

“We just kind of felt at peace. Like the year before when we were having all those appointments, it was not just a good year,” said Jordyn.

Now with everything in place, all the Browns had to do was wait.

“So the birth mother or birth parents have a checklist of what they are looking for and we have some sort of list of what we are looking for too so that they match up. But then there might be other families that also match,” she explained.

It has been two years since they began the process. They recently took to social media to share their story in hopes of getting one step closer to bringing home their first child.

“Some individuals might not understand some of the difficulties that adoptive parents are going through and obviously there is a process,” added Josh.

A process they say they are ready for when the time comes.

“There are a lot of times when you feel like you can’t do anything but wait,” added Jordyn. “So this was our way of saying we are going to try something too. We’re going to have a little bit of control.”

To find out more about Josh and Jordyn, CLICK HERE.

You can also contact their adoption agency, by clicking HERE.