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NEW ORLEANS– A New Orleans man invented a creative way to “treat” the trick-or-treaters in his neighborhood this Halloween.

David Briggs at 47 Fontainebleau and this year he decided to create a socially distanced candy chute for trick-or-treaters.

“Everything is going to be different this year, but let’s have fun and be safe. So we, send down these little balls filled with candy and stickers through this chute. I call it the Covid-19 candy chute,” he said.

The chute is 30 feet and goes from his porch to the sidewalk.

“It is made out of 4 inch PVC tube, and it cost less than $30 at Loews. I used cardboard to make the ghost in the front of it where the candy shoots out,” Briggs said.

Families in the neighborhood like the Finney’s are already getting excited for this unique Halloween invention.

“The kids love it. We think it is tremendous. The kids can’t wait to catch the candy. They are really looking forward to it,” Jonathan Finney, a Neighbor said.

“I think it is just adding a little fun in a hard time right now, and that’s what we all need. The kids will remember this as the pandemic Halloween,” Briggs said.

He expects a few hundred trick-or-treaters this year.