Need a smile? Check out this ‘otter-ly’ adorable tweet-off!

NEW ORLEANS – If the work week already has you down and you’re looking for a little pick me up, head on over to Twitter for one of the cutest tweet-offs ever!

#SeaOtterTweet off is trending, and adorable images of the furry mammals are going viral.

Best of all, it’s all for a good cause because it happens to be Sea Otter Awareness Week, a week devoted to raising awareness on the conservation efforts to protect this endangered species.

In 1911, there were only 2000 sea otters left, and the sea otter conservation effort is considered one of the greatest successes in marine conservation efforts.

It all started Monday when the Georgia Aquarium sent a tweet to the Vancouver Aquarium, and from there the online tweet off snowballed into a fully fledged furry throw down to come up with the best and cutest sea otters.

Aquariums from all of North America got in on the fun, and the results are adorable!

Vancouver then tweeted out to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, one of the premiere institutions in sea otter rescue and release programs as well as injury treatment.

Folks from all over, including our very own Audubon Aquarium of the Americas decided to get in on the fun:

So sit back and relax, and if you need a pick me up to get you through the work week, just scroll through some of the tweets or head on over to twitter and search #SeaOtterTweetOff to get your spirits back up.

