Missouri pastor on leave after sexist sermon saying wives should lose weight to look like Melania Trump

MALDEN, Mo. (WTVO) — A pastor from Missouri is in professional counseling after many people are saying he gave a sexist sermon.

A viral video shows Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark preaching on the importance of wives pleasing their husbands and ‘not letting themselves go.’

“Now look, I’m not saying that every woman can be the epic trophy wife of all time like Melania Trump,” he said. “Most women can’t be trophy wives…but maybe a participation trophy. All I can say is not everybody looks like that, Amen? But you don’t need to look like a butch either!”

“Men want their wives to look good at home and in public, can I get an Amen?”

“God made men to be drawn to beautiful women. We are made this way. We can’t help ourselves.”

Pastor Clark “thanked God” for makeup and suggested women should seek advice from their husbands on what looks good.

“It’s important that he thinks you’re hot! It’s important because he’s going to look, and you want him looking at you.”

He also joked he doesn’t counsel married couples anymore because they lack ‘weight control.’

Clark ended the sermon by saying: “Scientists have discovered, by the way, a food that diminishes the woman’s sex drive. It’s called the ‘wedding cake.’”

According to the church’s website, “Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark has taken a leave of absence and is seeking professional counseling.”

The General Baptist Council of Associations also condemned his message in a public statement.

“General Baptists believe that every woman was created in the image of God, and they should be valued for that reason. Furthermore, we believe that all individuals regardless of any other factors are so loved by God that Christ died for them.”