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MISSISSIPPI – Governor Tate Reeves says he will allow lakes and beaches to reopen so people can relieve quarantine stress.

“It’s a small thing, but I hope it helps even a bit for people who need to safely get out in the sun for their own sanity,” Gov. Reeves said last week. “We need to do anything we can to help address the growing depression, isolation and other mental health issues.”

Reeves says the decision on whether to open the beaches lies with each county. On Friday, Harrison County officials voted to reopen beaches immediately. Hancock and Jackson Counties will meet today to make a decision.

Gov. Reeves extended the statewide stay-at-home order by one week, but pulled back on some restrictions surrounding those public spaces and non-essential businesses.

The governor also stated his desire for non-essential businesses to reopen for curbside or delivery so that large crowds do not overwhelm big-box stores that remain open.

Gov. Reeves says that social distancing still needs to be observed with no gatherings of groups larger than ten people. Local government is allowed to use their own discretion when it comes to reopening their public spaces and can close them should they need to.

On Sunday, Mississippi’s health department reported 300 new COVID-19 cases, the largest single day increase so far. The state now has more than 4,000 cases with 1589 deaths.