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The East Baton Rouge Metro-Council has voted to offer a $4.5 million settlement to the family of Alton Sterling. The settlement was passed in a 7-5 vote. Council members Denise Amoroso, Chauna Banks, LaMont Cole, Carolyn Coleman, Cleve Dunn, Rowdy Gaudet and Erika Green.

That case is scheduled to go to trial next month if a settlement isn’t accepted. Sterling was killed in 2016 by Baton Rouge police, sparking national protests.

Councilmembers say they are pleased with the decision.

“I thought it was the best considering all,” Carolyn Coleman said. “Let’s keep in mind that we cannot put an amount on a persons life, but this has gone on and on enough.”

“Myself and a lot of people in this city took to the streets in outrage, in protest, to Mr. Sterling being killed at the hands of BRPD, and we wanted to hold our city government accountable,” Cleve Dunn said.  

The Metro Council agreed to give the Sterling family $1 million the first year and $875,000 for four years.

Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome issued a statement after Wednesday’s vote:

“I am pleased our metro council was able to find a consensus and approve an offer of settlement in the Alton Sterling civil case. After nearly five years, the people of Baton Rouge are finally one step closer to getting much needed closure in this traumatic episode of our history. Now we must continue the work of building a more just and equitable community, where every citizen is treated justly, no matter their race or ethnicity.”