Meet a Mardi Gras Indian who is also a New Orleans police officer

NEW ORLEANS- We’re learning more about a Xavier University police officer.  However this officer also has an alter ego that a lot of folks don’t know about. WGNO’s Adam Bowles has more.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?”  So, keep an open mind when you meet Wayne Washington, a police officer at Xavier University.

“I really enjoy it,” Washington says.  “I’ve been doing this for 16 years being in law enforcement.”  This is a passion that started when he was very young.

“The reason why I got into law enforcement was because when I was a kid, I felt helpless,” Washington says.

But law enforcement is only one of the many hats he wears. He is also a DJ going by “DJ Wayne Wonder”.  Another hat, or make that headdress, he wears is that of a council chief.

“I’m also a Mardi Gras Indian,” Wayne states.

Officer Washington is a member of the 9th ward Black Hatchets since the 1980’s.  But for him, a role that is very similar to that as a police officer.

“I’m on the side of protect and serve and I even do that in a costume too,” Wayne says.  “So, my position within the tribe is to council the chief and everybody else that’s in the tribe to keep them in a right frame of mind, to keep them out of harms way, to guide them in the right direction.”

His outlook on life is inspiring and reminds us to take the time to really know someone before you judge them.

You can see the 9th ward Black Hatchets and Officer Washington performing at this years Jazz Festival on Saturday May 4th.

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