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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) –The construction on St. Bernard Avenue and Robert E. Lee is almost done, Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced Wednesday.

He held a press conference at the intersection to announce the 2016 accomplishments of the Board of Public Works and the Sewage and Water Board.

The accomplishments include 25 road projects that equate to $44 million of investments. They’ve also repaired more than 10,000 street lights, and this year they are beginning to draw down a $2 billion settlement with FEMA to repair road damages from Hurricane Katrina.

Landrieu said 2016 was a breakthrough year on the amount of investments made for infrastructure.

“We have constructed 15 miles of new streets we have constructed 4.48 miles of bike ways added to the exponential growth of bike-way path that we’ve had, and in the last seven years we filled 114,876 , let me say that again, write that down: 114,876 potholes.”

He added that the investments will increase 10-fold in 2017, with a $480 million investment that will be the largest in state history.

St. Bernard Avenue improvements will be done next week, he said.