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HOUSTON — Houston’s own Mattress Mack, the hero who opened his furniture store to thousands of Houstonians displaced by Hurricane Harvey’s floodwaters, is giving back once again.

The owner of Gallery Furniture told ABC News he’s opening his giant store once again, this time to serve “anybody and everybody” who wants or needs a place to go for Thanksgiving.

It’s been a few months since Hurricane Harvey’s floodwaters ravaged the city. Thousands of residents are still recovering from the widespread damage.

“We want to get together as a community and be grateful that we’ve gotten through this storm together,” Jim McIngvale, better known as “Mattress Mack,” told ABC News:

“There is a whole lot of mental anguish,” he added. “People who have lived in the same house for 10, 20, 30 years … and then have to have all their belongings in one black trash bag.

“It is up to us to be very empathetic and listen to these people,” McIngvale said.

While the dinner is being funded out of McIngvale’s own pocket, he said that some local food vendors have offered to help out with the cooking, and scores of volunteers have also come forward offering to help out with their time.