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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Mardi Gras is officially over and city officials are putting what they call a successful season behind them.

On Thursday (March 23rd), the Mayor’s Mardi Gras advisory council met to reflect on carnival season. The meeting highlighted the economic impact of the season, stating it was good for business.

Also, members thanked all city employees and workers who make it all possible, especially the police and sheriff’s deputies including those who came from out of town who were the key to success.

Advisory council co-chairman James Reiss took time to applaud officials from out of town stating, “You could see and feel the extra law enforcement presence out there. It was great looking and great to see it out there and I think more importantly it gave the citizens and the folks that were in town as tourists to come watch all of our wonderful parades a really great feeling about their safety both daytime and nighttime.”

The council will meet again in July to bring planning next year’s carnival season.

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