UPDATE: Iberia Parish, La. State Police officers searching for missing teen

Bailey Frederick

UPDATE, 3/2/22: Two days after Iberia Parish Sheriff’s deputies reported a missing teen from Iberia Parish, Louisiana State Police have upgraded her situation to “endangered.”

Bailey Frederick walked away from her home Sunday, February 27, at 9 a.m., wearing a multi-colored jacket. She is described as a black female with black hair and brown eyes. She is approximately 5’6” tall and weighs about 142 pounds.  Bailey was last seen exiting a gray Dodge Charger or Chrysler 300 on Robertson Street with an older female. Several witnesses said she appeared scared. It is believed she could be being held against her will and that she is in imminent danger.

Anyone having any information as to the whereabouts of Bailey Frederick should immediately contact the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-369-3711 or call 911.  Questions concerning this case should be directed to the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office.

ORIGINAL POST: NEW IBERIA, La. (KLFY) — The Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office is asking for help locating a missing teen. Bailey Frederick,13, was last seen on yesterday morning around 9 a.m. in the 3700 block of Zip Lane in Iberia Parish.  Bailey is 5’ 6” tall,  black hair, brown eyes and weighs approximately 140 lbs. 

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Bailey Frederick is urged to contact the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-369-3711.