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LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) — A Krotz Springs family is still struggling after their only means of transportation was stolen in Lafayette, and the family now says the theft is taking a toll on their son’s health.

While police continue to search for the vehicle, the family says the people who stole their car didn’t just take a vehicle, they took away their only means of income and their only way to bring their son to his weekly doctor’s appointments.

“It’s been really hard, to tell you the truth. I just miss that car a lot, and to be honest with you, I can’t get back and forth to my doctor’s appointments,” Jacob Laborde said.

Laborde has cerebral palsy. He has several doctors appointment every week, but with their only car now gone, his parents have no way to take him.

“They don’t really know how much of an awful thing they have done to us,” Floyd Laborde said.

Surveillance video shows two men stealing the Laborde’s car from a Lafayette thrift store on May 11.

Police have not yet been able to locate the vehicle or the suspects.

Floyd Laborde, who worked in Lafayette, also lost his job and his family’s income and has no other transportation.

The family is now struggling to do simple things, like go grocery shopping to put food on the table.

“Being how bad we are suppressed, my greatest fear is keeping our nose above water with this going on,” Floyd said.

The Laborde’s say they can’t wait for much longer, hoping police find their vehicle.

They have started a GoFundMe, hoping the community can help.

“It’s hard to stand in front of here and admit that you need help because I’d rather help somebody else than ask for help, but we’re at the point now where we’ve been praying a lot. My wife has been praying a lot. We just ask God to please help us as we try to help ourselves,” Floyd said.

“I would appreciate all the help because we really need the car badly. We thank y’all for everything you can do for us,” Jacob added.