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WASHINGTON, D.C. (KLFY) — South Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins announced today that he has introduced a bill that would make it illegal for any company to mandate an employee to undertake any medical procedure, including vaccines.

Every American who wants a vaccine should receive it,” stated Higgins in a press release. “However, the decision to get vaccinated or not is a personal and private medical decision. This bill is about individual rights. I support individual freedoms, and I certainly stand against oppression. Neither government nor private employers have the right to mandate medical procedures. We’re drawing the line here. We, the People, will not be herded like sheep into medical procedures against our will.”

The full bill states “It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer to require an employee, or an applicant for employment with such employer, to undertake a medical procedure, including a vaccine.”

The bill also states that employers will provide employees or applicants with “reasonable accommodations” to enable them to continue to perform essential functions.