Plaquemines Parish School Board releases re-opening plan for 2020-2021 school year

On Tuesday, the Plaquemines Parish School Board released their reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year.

“The Plaquemines Parish School Board is committed to doing all we can to return to as normal of a school year as reasonably possible given the circumstances. As COVID-19 continues to influence the status of the 2020-2021 school year, our schools will work to leverage available resources, share best practices, and advocate and take advantage of federal and state waivers in the best interests of our students and their families.”

The Louisiana Department of Education released Strong Start 2020: School Reopening Guidelines and Resources.

The Plaquemines Parish School Board will offer three options:

  1. Traditional with additional regulations to ensure the safety of our students and staff
  2. A hybrid schedule with additional regulations to ensure the safety of our students and staff
  3. Virtual

Read the entire re-opening plan here.