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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Saturday morning New Orleans Mayor, LaToya Cantrell held a press conference in preparation for Hurricane Ida.

In the conference, city officials urged residents to shelter in place by midnight. For those leaving, residents are urged to leave immediately.

Cantrell said everyone needs to be prepared. “There are no signs this storm will weaken,” said Cantrell

According to the Director of Homeland Security, Collin Arnold, Director of the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, there are no significant changes since Friday’s press conference.

Arnold emphasized residents staying need to understand there will be a significant impact and that they need to stay in place.

“Finish preparations today and be where you need to be by midnight,” said the Director of Homeland Secuirity.

Cantrell said we are all first responders and urged the public to check on friends, family, and neighbors.

Officials notified the public 200 members of the National Guard are in New Orleans and ready to respond. More members of the National Guard are expected to arrive this evening.