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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— Times have been tough for trumpeter Kermit Ruffins and his bar, “The Mother-In-Law Lounge” in the Treme.

In recent months there have been shootings in the neighborhood, and Kermit’s girlfriend, Harmonese Pleasant was even shot accidentally by stray bullets.

Just this weekend, even more trouble outside Kermit’s bar, with his truck being struck by bullets. This isn’t the first time Ruffins’ truck has been vandalized. Last month someone broke his windshield.

In March, Kermit’s girlfriend Harmonese Pleasant, who was pregnant at the time was hit by stray bullets. Their baby had injuries and may be paralyzed because of it.

According to the Metropolitan Crime Commission, In the First District where the Treme is located in 2022 there have been 20 homicides, 33 carjackings, and 59 armed robberies, all up from last year.

As for shootings, they are down seven percent compared to last year, but still higher than 2020. Still with these stats, neighbors say they don’t want their neighborhood to get a bad reputation.

Morris Powers lives in Treme and said, “There’s always bad people that will be around, but it’s not a bad area. Sometimes anything happens anywhere, all over the city there’s shootings and stuff.”

Kermit Ruffins said, “We live in the most beautiful neighborhood in America–the Treme as far as the culture and love of life. No way I’m going to run from this beautiful neighborhood an my business because of people that are lost in life.”

There’s a Go Fund Me Account set up to help pay for Kermit’s daughter Blossom’s medical bills.

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