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WEST MONROE, LA (KTVE/KARD) — Louisiana is past the winter storm, but DOTD says our roadways could possibly still see the effects of the freezing rain in the form of potholes.

According to the Department of Transportation and Development, Louisiana drivers may not see an immediate increase in potholes after this winter storm we saw last week.

However, toward the end of the winter season, you could see an increase if we continue to see a cycle of rain and cold weather.

DOTD says they see more potholes on heavily trafficked roads and asphalt roads as the material are not as strong as concrete. Even though a snow and ice storm is unusual for Louisiana, any type of weather leaves a significant impact on our roadways.

In the summer seasons, we see the pavement expand…where in the winter we see more rainfall.

“That moisture will get down into roadways and layers of the roadway. When it freezes it expands. So you get a situation where over time, it’s weakening the pavement because you’ve got this moisture in there that is no longer a liquid, but a solid. It breaks down the pavement and you start to see the cracks and potholes form,” said Erin Buchanan, Department of Transportation and Development.

DOTD officials say they rely on the public’s eyes to report potholes across the state.